The website belongs to Barrus Group LLC. The website was launched in 2012 as a procurement e-directory in public and private sectors RA. Over the years the list of services provided by the company has been expanded and now it includes everything connected to the procurements. The goal of our activity is to insure value for the compensation in the procurement process, namely: 1. Purchase of goods, works and services corresponding to the client’s needs, with equivalent compensation. 2. Implementation of procurement process ensuring the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of procurement. For the implementation our goal we rest on the following principles. 1. Contribute the competitive, transparent, open organization of tendering processes with common rules and non-discriminatory basis. 2. Promote to the expansion of bidders' (vendors) circle and encouraging the competition among them 3. Ensure equal right for every person to participate in the procurement process regardless of being a foreign individual, entity or a stateless person. Resting on the principles mentioned above, we have chosen the main directions of our activity.
We are sure that our activity promotes the implementation of requirements of RA procurement legislation and improvement of the tender procedures. |
© 2012-2025 Telephone +374(11) 83 63 37 Office Address: Republic of Armenia, Yerevan Arshakunyats Ave., 2 Building, 4rd floor Room No 430 |